Annual General Meeting, News (Brantford Girls Hockey Association)

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Mar 25, 2018 | Lisa Wallis | 2038 views
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held on May 10th 2018 at 7pm, Wayne Gretzky Centre- tournament room.

Available Positions:
-1st Vice President
-House League Hockey Director
-Tournament Convenor
-Sponsorship and Fundraising Director

Nomination forms MUST be submitted to the General Manager 30 days prior to the AGM (April 10 2018). Nomination forms will automatically be sent to the General Manager if filled out online, if done in person you can email it to [email protected] 

Nomination Form

Tim Hortons
Sponsor of Novice House League and Tyke League
Great Clips
In Northridge Plaza, Brantford. Great Clips salons are open 7 days a week, including Sundays. You can cut the wait time with on-line check-ins
Pita Pit - Ice Cat of the Week
If you can dream it, we can make it. And we will make it awesome! Thank you for sponsoring Ice Cat of the Week
McDonald's Canada atoMc®
Sponsor of Atom House League