BGHA Tyke Program 2018/19
Congratulations to the BGHA's first Tyke Division
The 2018/19 season was the first year for the BGHA’s Tyke Program and our future Ice Cats provided their families and fans a season of achievements, excitement and fun!
The season began 06-Oct-2018 for 21 future hockey players, 4 coaches and Ice Cat Ice Helpers. There were 3 teams: the Detroit Wildcats, Boston Bobcats and Toronto Tomcats.
On Saturday mornings, these teams worked hard at meeting the initiation goals of:
1. Learning basic hockey skills so players can enjoy the game.
2. Working on development and enhancement of basic motor patterns.
3. Developing and encouraging the concept of team, through player participation in on and off‐ice activities.
4. Incorporating fitness, fair play and co‐operation aspects within the fun of the game.
Parent feedback is currently happening to ensure that next season’s Tyke program is a greater success.
A big THANK YOU to the Volunteers who made the first Tyke season a success!
Coaches: Ben Gagnon
Aaron Fullerton
Matt Myers
Zach Farrington
Ice Helpers: Madelyn Avey (Midget B)
Keara Leadbeater (Midget B)
Mackenzie Tinker (Midget B)
Off-ice Tyke Volunteers: Andrea Gagnon
Kelly Fullerton
Click this link to view some video clips of our Tykes in an obstacle course.
Ice Helpers with Tyke Players
Learning the Face-off
Learning more Drills
Hockey is so much FUN!
Santa visits the Tykes
Look - We're working with pucks!
Uuggghhh but it's still FUN!
If you would like to read the parent feedback - click this link
Can hardly wait for next Season!!!
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